







Explore Components

No-Code Widgets & Embeds

Whether you have an existing application or building one from scratch, use our simple embeds to accelerate your product launch.

Turnkey Solution

If you're a startup with no funding raised to pay a developer then using our free turnkey solution allows for you to generate revenue quickly by issuing credit or debit cards to your end users.

Turnkey platforms include everything in the components, widgets, and customization options.

Do you need React components to build your fintech frontend?


© KAPED INC. All Rights Reserved.

No upfront investment.

Affordable costs.

React Components

Components expertly crafted using typescript and javascript.

Fuel Your Startup

Let us build your idea for you and pitch it to investors on your behalf, ask us how!



Simple, secure & open
Secure & Compliant
We use above industry security standards to stay PCI and SOC2 compliant.
We got you covered
Both Mastercard and Visa cards are supported to give you what you need.
Custom Experience
Customize your card look, add rewards, and even set your own fees.

Instant Credit Card Issuing for Business

Self-serve credit card and debit card issuing platform: Design, build, and issue your own cards, right away. No need for a VC, or to outsource IT infrastructure.

We are in private alpha and accepting new users on a rolling basis.
Sign up and enjoy instant access to KAPED’s widget collection.